Chapter 14: Monitoring Bridging and Routing
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 313
You can monitor bridge forwarding and filtering information by MAC address.
You monitor bridge forwarding statistics using the command-line interface from the
::bridge=> prompt. From the ::root=> prompt, type the following command then press
to display the ::bridge=> prompt.
display stats bridge
Type fwddb then press .
A screen similar to the following displays.
Information Description
MAC Address The learned source address from which packets were forwarded based
on the corresponding information in the Bridging Table.
Port The logical bridging port to which packets received from the
designated MAC address are forwarded.
Status The status of the Bridge Forwarding Table entry. Options:
• Invalid—the entry has been aged out but has not yet been deleted
from the table.
• Learned—the data in the table entry was learned.
• Self—the data in the table entry pertains to the bridge itself.
• Mgmt—the data in the table is static (was entered manually).
• Other—none of the above status apply (for example, some other
MIB object is being used to determine how to forward packets
addressed to the corresponding MAC address.
MacAddr Port Status
00:08:c7:29:04:00 1 Learned