Managing IDSL Diagnostics
350 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Configuring and Initiating Corrupted CRCs
The corrupted CRC test generates CRC errors on the IDSL line. If the testing node is odd
numbered (node 1, 3, 5, or 7), the CRCs generate upstream (toward the network). If the testing
node is even numbered (0, 2, 4, or 6), the CRCs generate downstream (toward the customer).
CRC errors cause traps when the alarm thresholds specified by the alarm profile are met or
exceeded (see “Configuring IDSL Line Profiles” on page 127). The results can be viewed (see
“Monitoring IDSL Current Performance” on page 274).
You configure and initiate IDSL corrupted CRC tests from the ::idsl=> prompt. From the
::root=> prompt, type the following command then press to display the ::idsl=>
diag idsl
Type the loopback command in the following format, then press .
crctest <port> (enable|disable) [<node>]
The port for which you want to enable or disable the corrupted CRC test (format slot.port).
Enable or disable the corrupted CRC test.
The testing node. The testing node values are 0 (Avidia system) up to 7. Omitting the
testing node parameter enables or disables the corrupted CRC test on the Avidia system
(node 0). To determine the number of nodes for a specific port, display the IDSL loopback
and corrupted CRC test configuration (see page 351). The number of nodes is one less than
the number of segments.
::idsl=> crctest 5.4 enable 1
The node setting applies to both loopbacks and the corrupted CRC test.