Configuring APS
160 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
The slot number containing the OC3 card for which you want to issue a manual APS
The command you want to issue.
• prot2workready
—switches traffic to the working channel if there are not other
conditions (such as the configured Wait To Revert Time or a failure condition) that
prohibit switching to that channel.
• prot2work
—switches the traffic to the working channel.
• work2prot
—switches the traffic to the protection channel.
• lockout
—disables APS.
• clear
—clears any of the previous APS commands and resumes the configured APS
::aps=> command 2 prot2work
Displaying APS Configuration
To verify your APS configuration, from the ::aps=> prompt, type the show command as
follows then press .
show [<slot>]
The slot number for which you want to display the APS configuration. Omitting this
parameter displays the APS configuration for all slots.