Chapter 13: Monitoring Network Connections
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 285
The following table describes the information displayed after you type a path command.
Information Description
Port The port to which the row of statistics applies.
Status The current status of the interface. This information only displays when you type
the path command without any additional parameters. Options:
• NoDefect
—There are no errors on the Path layer.
—There is an alarm at the remote end of the SONET line.
—There is an alarm at the local end of the SONET line.
• LOP—There is a Loss of Pointer error on the interface.
• UE (unequipped)—The Path layer is not configured properly at the remote end.
• SLM (signal label mismatch)—The Path layer is not properly provisioned.
Width The designated optical bandwidth. This information only displays when you type
the path command without any additional parameters.
ESSs The number of errored seconds in the 15-minute reporting interval. Errored
seconds are the number of seconds during which at least one Path layer bipolar
error was detected or an Alarm Indication Signal - Path (AIS-P) error was present.
SESs The number of severely errored seconds in the 15-minute reporting interval.
Severely errored seconds are the number of seconds during which 2,400 or more
Path layer bipolar errors were detected or an AIS-P or Loss of Pointer - Path
(LOP-P) error was present.
CVs The number of coding violations in the 15-minute reporting interval. Coding
violations are the number of bipolar errors detected at the Path layer.
UASs The number of unavailable seconds in the 15-minute reporting interval. A path
becomes available after ten consecutive severely errored seconds.
Interval A number between 1 and 96 which identifies the interval for which the set of
statistics is displayed. For example, interval 1 provides statistics for the most
recently completed 15-minute interval and interval 5 provides the statistics for the
fifth most recently completed 15-minute interval. This information only displays if
you specify an interval in the command line.