Chapter 23: Configuring Frame Relay Interworking
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 479
Status Box Description
Admin Status The administrative status of the frame channel card
and line card connection: Up (activated) or Down
Channel Slot The frame card slot number.
Channel Port The frame card port number.
Line Slot The line card slot number.
Line Port The line card port number.
Line VPI The fr VPI of the fr VCC between the frame channel
card and the line card.
Line VCI The fr VCI of the fr VCC between the frame channel
card and the line card.
Data Link LMI Type The Local Management Interface type, which defines a
method of exchanging status information between the
customer device and the network. The options are:
None—no LMI support
Rev-1—LMI Rev-1
Annex A—ITU 0.933 Annex-A
Annex D—ANSI T1 617 Annex-D
If the LMI type is set to None, the poll interval, inquiry
interval, error threshold, and monitor events
parameters are not used.
Data Link Poll Interval The poll interval value, which is the number of seconds
between LMI status inquiry messages (range: 5-30).
Data Link Inquiry Interval The inquiry interval value, which is the number of poll
intervals before a full status inquiry message is sent
(range: 1-255).
Data Link Error Threshold The error threshold value, which is the number of
consecutive poll intervals in which the LMI status
inquiry messages are not received that are required for
the link to be declared down (range: 1-10).
Data Link Monitor Events The monitor events value, which is the number of poll
intervals in which the LMI status inquiry messages are
not received that are required for the link to be
declared down (range: 1-10).