Monitoring SDSL Frame Performance
264 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
The following table describes the information displayed after you type a perf command.
You can monitor SDSL frame statistics and performance history either by port or for all SDSL
frame lines in the system at once. You access all SDSL frame statistics from the ::frame=>
prompt. From the ::root=> prompt, type the following command then press to
display the ::frame=> prompt.
display stats sdsl frame
Displaying SDSL Frame Line Statistics
Type the line command in the following format then press .
loop [<port>]
The port for which you want to view statistics (format slot.port). Omitting this parameter
displays the specified loop status for all SDSL frame ports.
Information Description
Port The ADSL card slot and port to which the row of
statistics applies.
LOFs (Upstream/Downstream) Loss of frames. The number of seconds in the
specified 15-minute data collection period during
which the frames on the ADSL interface lose sync.
LOSs (Upstream/Downstream) Loss of signal. The number of seconds in the
specified 15-minute data collection period during
which the signal falls below the configured target
noise margin.
ESs (Upstream/Downstream) Errored seconds. The number of seconds in the
specified 15-minute data collection period during
which errors occur that prevent the payload from
being corrected.