Airport Systems
PLC Health Monitoring & Reporting Sys 3-2 Manual EPM40002083-001 Rev -
• POWER SWITCH: Toggle switch that turns input AC line power on/off in the Master
Controller. Does not affect AC power to the Flash-heads. Input voltage is present
at terminal block PB1, even with the power switch turned off.
• RESET Switch: Momentary pushbutton that resets the Master Controller. Switch
must be held for about one second to activate.
• REMOTE / LOCAL Mode Switch: Two-position toggle switch that permits manual
(local) selection of the flash intensity level using the DAY / TWILIGHT / NIGHT
rotary switch. In normal (remote) operation, permits automatic operation controlled
by the Ambient Light Sensor photocell.
• DAY / TWILIGHT / NIGHT Switch: Three-position rotary switch that allows manual
selection of three light intensities of the system (DAY = high, TWILIGHT =
intermediate, and NIGHT = low). The REMOTE / LOCAL Mode Switch must be in
the LOCAL position to use this switch.
3.2.2 Power Configuration
The PLCHMR input voltage selection is set at the factory prior to shipping.
3.3 Installation
3.3.1 Installation Overview
The installation has four major activities:
First, replace the Master controller’s MCU with the one MCU provided by the kit
Second, mount and wire the PLCHMR module.
Third, replace the MCU in each Flash-head’s digital control board with the MCU
provided by the kit.
Fourth, the PLCHMR’s site specific configuration table must be edited to match
the configuration of the high intensity strobe system; this activity is described in
Section 3.7.
The following sub-sections feature detailed instructions for completing the installation
outlined above.
3.3.2 SGC-60 Master Controller MCU Upgrade
The installation kit provides one new MCU P/N 40002085-001 to replace the old MCU
P/N 40000328-001. It is important to install the MCU with the proper orientation since,
more often than not installing a MCU backwards will result in damage to the chip and/or
surrounding circuitry. First note the location of pin 1. To find pin 1 look for a small
rectangular notch on one of its short ends this denotes the top side of MCU; the first pin
counter-clockwise from this notch is pin 1
. The MCU is pressed into a socket. The