1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer
Interface Commands
Query form: *SRE?
Sets the Service Request Enable register. This mask register determines which corresponding bits of the Status
Byte Register (see Section, *STB?, on page 76) affect the MSS master summary bit (bit 6) of the
Status Byte Register and generate a service request from the IEEE-488 port. *STB?
Example response: 16
Reads the Status Byte Register. This indicates any of several events dened by the IEEE-488.2 and SCPI stan-
dards and which are listed in the following table. Reading the Status Byte Register does not affect it.
Bit Condition
0 (not used)
1 (not used)
2 Error
3 Questionable status
4 Message available
5 Event status
6 Master summary status
7 Operation status CAL:DATE <year>,<month>,<day>
Example command: CAL:DATE 2009,8,21
Query form: CAL:DATE?
Password protection: unconditional
Sets the instrument’s date of calibration. CAL:PAR:LIN<n> <value>
Query form: CAL:PAR:LIN1?
Password protection: unconditional
Sets a calibration Linearity C<n> parameter.
These settings may be used to apply a linearity correction to the measurement circuit.
IMPORTANT: Calibration parameters should not be changed except as part of the Super-Thermometer
calibration procedure performed by a qualied service technician. CAL:PAR:RES<n> <value>
Query form: CAL:PAR:RES<n>?
Password protection: unconditional
Sets the calibrated resistance of an internal reference resistor. Sufx <n> species the resistor; 1: 1 Ω; 2: 10 Ω;
3: 25 Ω; 4: 100 Ω; 5: 10 kΩ.
IMPORTANT: Calibration parameters should not be changed except as part of the Super-Thermometer cali-
bration procedure performed by a qualied service technician. CAL:PAR:ZERO <value>
Query form: CAL:PAR:ZERO?
Password protection: unconditional