Menus and Screens
The Statistics Settings screen allows the user to set statistics related settings such as the statistics mode to be
STATISTICS MODE – determines the mode in which statistics are used. The options are LIMITED and
In Limited mode, statistics are calculated using a sliding window that is limited in width by the number of
samples dened in the Sample Count setting. The oldest measurement leaves the sliding window buffer when
a new measurement enters.
Unlimited mode allows the number of samples to grow indenitely until the user resets the statistics or stops
SAMPLE COUNT - denes the number of samples on which the statistics are based. In LIMITED mode, this
setting denes the width of the sliding window. A maximum of 100 can be selected.
DELTA MODE - determines whether the Delta statistics eld is based on a measurement from a channel or an
offset entered by the user. The options are CHANNEL or OFFSET.
DELTA OFFSET - sets the offset value used for calculating Delta. This setting applies when Delta Mode is
set to OFFSET.
When the Delta Offset value is subtracted from a measurement, it assumes the same units as the measurement.
The setting has a range of -1.0E06 to 1.0E06.
Tip: Delta Mode is useful for automatically subtracting an offset from a measurement such as the lead
resistance offset used when making 3-wire measurements.
DELTA CHANNEL- species the channel to be used as the reference for the Delta calculation. This setting is
applicable when Delta Mode is set to CHANNEL. Possible options are channels 1 through 4 when no scanner
is attached. If a scanner is attached, channel 1 is not available but the scanner channels are. GRAPH SETTINGS (F4)
The Graph Settings function key opens a screen that contains settings for controlling how data graphs appear
in the Measurement Screen in Show Graph mode. The conguration elds in the Graph Settings screen are as
COMBINED GRAPH - determines if all enabled channels are plotted on the same graph or on separate
graphs. ON plots all channels on the same graph.
TIME SPAN - congures the horizontal time scale or width of the graph window. The options are 5 min, 10
min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr, and 8 hr. The default is 10 min.
AUTOMATIC CENTERING - determines whether the center of the vertical axis is set automatically based
on the data in the graph (ON) or if the center is xed at the Vertical Center value (OFF). The default value is
VERTICAL CENTER - sets the center of the vertical axis of the combined graph when Automatic Centering
is ON. The setting has a range of -1.0E6 to 1.0E6. The default value is 0.0.
AUTOMATIC SCALING - determines whether the scale of the vertical axis is set automatically based on the
data in the graph (ON) or if the scale is xed at the Vertical Scale value (OFF). The default value is ON.
VERTICAL SPAN - sets the scale of the vertical axis of the combined graph when Automatic Scaling is OFF.
The setting has a range of 1.0E-6 to 1.0E6. The default value is 0.1.