EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide 33
Default Threshold Groups and Settings
Note: The StatisticsWindow is fixed and cannot be changed through the console.
Interaction of Sensitivity, StatisticsWindow, and Threshold
Resource-based settings use two parameters, Sensitivity and
StatisticsWindow, in conjunction with one or more thresholds to determine
when an abnormal condition exists. This design provides two benefits:
• It prevents wide variations between high and low values from skewing
the results, as might be the case if values were averaged.
• It provides more control over the sensitivity of the analysis. When the
value of the sensitivity parameter is 0%, one value over the threshold
triggers the event. If the sensitivity parameter is 100%, every value must
be over the threshold.
The following example illustrates how these parameters work:
A SoftwareElementCheck samples a parameter such as ResponseTime every
30 seconds and compares it to the threshold, MaxResponseTime. The
SoftwareElementCheck records whether the value is over the threshold. At
regular intervals, determined by the correlation engine, the
SoftwareElementCheck compares the number of samples that violated the
threshold during the most recent window interval (StatisticsWindow) to the
sensitivity parameter. If the percentage of samples in violation is higher than
the sensitivity parameters, a symptom is triggered.
Table 6: Parameters for Software Service Thresholds
Check_MaxResponseTime Seconds The maximum response time for a check. The actual response time
for a check is compared against this threshold to determine if the
check is running slow.
Check_Sensitivity Percentage (%)
The percentage of samples during a set time period
(StatisticsWindow) that must violate the Check_MaxResponseTime
threshold to trigger an event. 0% means that one value over the
threshold triggers the event. 100% means that every value within
the StatisticsWindow must be over the threshold.