basic Instructions for Use 22/25
950787 Rev H 02/03
In alarm situations, press to silence the alarm. Correct the problem. Resume
the infusion by pressing .
Alarm Possible Cause Action
Air-In-Line! Air bubble in air-in-line sensor Remove air from system
Check Drop
Free Flow!
Not Enough Drops!
Too Many Drops!
Solution container empty
Roller clamp closed
Set loaded incorrectly
Kinks, closed clamps, or
Droplets on wall of drip chamber
Drop sensor out of position
Replace solution container
Open roller clamp
Re-load set
Check for blockage
Shake drip chamber
Reposition drop sensor
Door Open! Door opened during infusion Close door
Downstream tubing kinked
Filter blocked
Closed clamp
IV positional or infiltrated
Catheter or vein too small
Occlusion limit too low
Correct kinks
Correct blocked filter
Open clamps
Check IV site
Increase occlusion limit
Invalid data! Entered data is out of range Press ; re-enter data
Keep Vein Open
Rate: Infusion
Programmed infusion is
Stop infusion
Low Battery! 30 minutes until battery is fully
Silence alarm and connect
pump to AC power
Plug In Now! Battery is discharged Connect pump to AC power
Pump Stopped! No key panel activity for 2
minutes or Standby time expired
Silence alarm; begin infusion
Unit Malfunction! Internal error Press until display reads:
“Do not press any key until
display is off;” wait until pump
turns off, turn device on. If
alarm repeats, return for