State Display
Offline Analysis
Offline analysis allows a user to be able to analyze a trace offline at a PC so it frees up
the analyzer for another person to use the analyzer to capture data.
If you have already used the FBDIMM Protocol Decoder license that was included with
your package on a 1680/90/900 analyzer and would like to have the offline analysis
feature on a PC you may buy additional licenses, please contact FuturePlus Sales
In order to view decoded data offline, after installing the 1680/90/900 operating system
on a PC, you must install the FuturePlus software. Please follow the installation
instructions for “Setting up the 16900 analyzer”. Once the FuturePlus software has
been installed and licensed follow these steps to import the data and view it.
From the desktop, double click on the Agilent logic analyzer icon. When the application
comes up there will be a series of questions, answer the first question asking which
startup option to use, select Continue Offline. On the analyzer type question, select
cancel. When the application comes all the way up you should have a blank screen with
a menu bar and tool bar at the top.