
2. RS7000 Internal Structure
RS7000 61
Sample Kit Voices & Pitched Voices
Sample voices are further divided into two types: “sample kit
voices” and “pitched voices”.
“Sample kit voices” allow up to 128 different samples to be
assigned to different notes from C-2 to G8. Different samples can
thus be played individually or simultaneously as required. Stereo
samples use up two of the available assignments, so up to 64 ste-
reo samples can be assigned to one sample kit voice.
Pitched voices play one sample at appropriate pitches across the
range of the keyboard.
Local Sample Voices & Common Sample
Sample voices can be either “local” or “common”.
Local sample voices are used by a specific song or style. Up to
128 local sample voices can be saved with each song or style. If
you have samples you want to use in a number of styles or songs,
they should be used as “common sample voices” (below).
Common sample voices are available for use by all songs and
Up to 128 common sample voices can be stored in the RS7000
memory at a time. The sample contents and program number/
voice relationship remains the same even when songs or styles
are switched.
The maximum total number of sample voices — local for all
songs/styles as well as common — that can be stored in the
RS7000 memory at any one time is 256.
Voice Banks
Voice banks organize the RS7000 voices into related categories,
and are selected by MIDI Bank Select MSB and LSB data. The
RS7000 has 5 main voice categories, further divided into 15
voice banks. A maximum of 128 voices can be stored in each
(MSB LSB) = (000 000) is the GM* voice bank. This
bank contains 128 normal voices conforming to the GM
(MSB LSB) = (063 000) ~ (063 009) are the RS7000
voices banks, containing a range of top-quality, up-to-date
voices that are ideally suited for modern music production.
The voices are organized as follows:
(063 000)...........SyBa&Ld1: Synth bass and synth lead
bank 1.
(063 007)...........SyBa&Ld2: Synth bass and synth lead
bank 2.
(063 001)...........SyPd&Fx1: Synth pad and pitched
effects bank 1.
(063 008)...........SyBa&Fx2: Synth pad and pitched
effects bank 2.
(063 002)...........SyMaterl: Analog and FM synthesis
type voices — these are ideal for edit-
(063 003)...........BandInst: Piano, organ, guitar, electric
bass, and other common band instru-
Pitched Voice
One sample is played at
different pitches.
Sample Kit Voice
Different samples are
assigned to each key.
Sample A Sample B Sample C
Song 01
Style 01
Local Sample Voice
001 ~ 128
Local Sample Voice
001 ~ 128
Song 01 ~ 20 Style 01 ~ 64
Common Sample Voice
C001 ~ C128