1. System
258 RS7000
8 LED DISPLAY.......................................................[Knob 4]
[Settings] BPM, MEAS
BPM..................The numeric LED displays the BPM
MEAS................The numeric LED displays the current
measure number during playback and
Specifies the parameters to be normally displayed by the
numeric LED.
EVENT CHASE ....................................................[Knob 1]
[Settings] OFF, PC, PC+PB+CTRL, ALL
Event chase refers to the ability to rapidly locate certain
events so that it is possible to start playback from any point in
a pattern or song with proper voice assignments, pitch, etc.
This specifies the events to be rapidly “chased” in such a situ-
PC allows rapid chase of program change events, while
PC+PB+CTRL chases program change, pitch bend, and con-
trol change events. ALL specifies all events except note
......................................[Knob 2]
[Settings] 000 ~ 900 ms
Allows the MIDI system exclusive (bulk dump) interval to be
set between 000 and 900 milliseconds in 100-millisecond
increments. If MIDI errors occur when transmitting data to
external MIDI devices, try setting a longer SYS.EX INTER-
PATTERN BPM HOLD..................................... [Knob 3]
[Settings] OFF, ON
ON.....................The BPM will not change when a new
style is selected.
OFF...................The BPM will change when a new
style is selected.
Determines whether the BPM setting will switch to the BPM
value stored with each style when a new style is selected dur-
ing playback.
B LCD MODE ........................................................... [Knob 4]
[Settings] POSI, NEGA
POSI..................The normal display mode.
NEGA................An inverse “negative” display mode.
Selects normal or inverse display on the LCD.
TG MUTE MODE ................................................ [Knob 1]
[Settings] AUDIO, MIDI
Determines whether the MIDI sequence data or the tone gen-
erator audio output will be muted when a track is muted.
When a track is muted the corresponding MIDI output is also
turned off whether the setting is AUDIO or MIDI.
STEREO OUT LEVEL ...................................... [Knob 2]
[Settings] +0 dB, +6 dB, +12 dB, +18 dB
Sets the nominal output level delivered via the stereo outputs,
headphone outputs, and digital/optical outputs (on the
optional I/O expansion board — page 21).
Higher settings may result in distorted sound depending on
the voices and number of simultaneous notes used.
• When a setting other than OFF selected there
may be a slight delay when starting playback,
and the fast-forward or fast-reverse opera-
tions may run a little slower.
• When ALL is selected a large volume of data
is transmitted via the MIDI OUT connector
which may, in some cases, cause errors with
some types of external MIDI equipment.
A B09
[Knob 1]
[Knob 2]
[Knob 3]
[Knob 4]
If a track is un-muted while a note is playing, if
the AUDIO option is selected the note will
sound from that point on, but if the MIDI option
is selected the note will not sound.
[Knob 1]
[Knob 2]
[Knob 3]