2. MIDI Events Handled by the RS7000
RS7000 267
Other Information
4. Control Change (CC)
• Control Change events control voice and effect parameters.
• Control Change events are generated when a controller such as
a modulation wheel or foot controller is operated on an exter-
nal keyboard.
• Control numbers 1 - 119 (except for 32) can be recorded in real
time by using the assignable knobs.
• The control number specifies the controller.
• The data specifies the “position” of the controller assigned to
the selected control number. The bar graph to the right is a
graphic representation of the data value.
Control Number 000 ~ 127
Data 000 ~ 127
Some of the more important control numbers and controllers
are listed below.
● Modulation Wheel (Control Number 001)
• The MIDI data produced when a modulation wheel is operated.
No modulation is applied when the value is “0”, and “127” pro-
duces maximum modulation.
● Portamento Time (Control Number 005)
• This MIDI message controls the portamento effect. No porta-
mento is produced when the value is “0”, and “127” produces
maximum portamento time.
• Portamento is only produced when Portamento (Control Num-
ber 065) is ON.
● Data Entry MSB (Control Number 006)
● Data Entry LSB (Control Number 038)
• These parameters specify the value of RPN MSB, RPN LSB
(Page 268), NRPN MSB, and NRPN LSB events (Page 268).
The value is represented by two control change data numbers
— the MSB and the LSB.
● Volume (Control Number 007)
• Sets the volume for each individual part. No sound is produced
when the value is “0”, and “127” produces maximum volume.
● Panpot (Control Number 010)
• Sets the pan position for each individual part. The sound is
panned fully left when the value is “0” and fully right when the
value is “127”. The displayed values are –64 ~ +63.
● Expression (Control Number 011)
• Sets the expression for each individual part. No sound is pro-
duced when the value is “0”, and “127” produces maximum
volume. This parameter produces volume variations during
● Sustain (Hold 1) (Control Number 064)
• This MIDI message represents sustain pedal ON/OFF opera-
tions. Notes playing when the pedal is pressed will be sus-
tained. When the value is “0” ~ “63” sustain is OFF, and when
the data is “64” ~ “127” sustain is ON.
● Portamento (Control Number 065)
• This MIDI message turns portamento ON or OFF. When the
value is “0” ~ “63” portamento is OFF, and when the data is
“64” ~ “127” portamento is ON.
• The length (degree) of the portamento effect is controlled by
Portamento Time (Control Number 005).
● Sostenuto Pedal (Control Number 066)
• This MIDI message represents sostenuto pedal ON/OFF opera-
tions. When the value is “0” ~ “63” sostenuto is OFF, and when
the data is “64” ~ “127” sostenuto is ON.
● Harmonic Content (Control Change 071)
• Adjusts the resonance of the filter assigned to a voice. The res-
onance is adjusted by using the data range of 0 ~ 127 as an off-
set value with a display range of –64 ~ +63 which is added to
the voice data.
● Release Time (Control Change 072)
• Adjusts the release time of the voice AEG. The release time is
adjusted by using the data range of 0 ~ 127 as an offset value
with a display range of –64 ~ +63 which is added to the voice
● Attack Time (Control Change 073)
• Adjusts the attack time of the voice AEG. The attack time is
adjusted by using the data range of 0 ~ 127 as an offset value
with a display range of –64 ~ +63 which is added to the voice
● Brightness (Control Change 074)
• Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the filter assigned to a voice.
The cutoff is adjusted by using the data range of 0 ~ 127 as an
offset value with a display range of –64 ~ +63 which is added
to the voice data.