
RS7000 27
Although all the information you need to operate the RS7000 is available in
the reference section of this manual, you might want to take the time to go
through the tutorial in order to familiarize yourself with some of its most
important features in a step-by-step “linear” manner.
The tutorial is presented in 6 sections, outlined below, each of which builds
on the information presented in the previous section.
1. RS7000 System Overview ......................... 28
A quick look at the overall RS7000 system and what it can do.
2. Assemble a Pattern Using
Preset Phrases ........................................... 30
The fast, easy way to create patterns. Here we’ll create a pattern that we’ll
build on in the following sections.
3. Real-time Sound Control............................ 38
A quick detour to try out some of the RS7000’s awesome real-time control
4. Recording Original Phrases....................... 39
Record an original phrase and add it to the basic pattern we created in sec-
tion 2.
5. Add Samples ............................................... 43
Record a new sample and add it to our pattern.
6. Finalizing Your Sound ............................... 46
The final mix — fine-tuning the groove and adding effects.
Please note that the tutorial by no means covers all the capabilities and fea-
tures of the RS7000. Important functions which are not included in the
tutorial — the SONG, EDIT and UTILITY modes, to name a few — are
described in detail in the reference section of the manual. Use the table of
contents and index to find detailed information on the features and func-
tions you want to learn about. The same applies to features described here
in the tutorial: for full details on any feature, refer to the reference section.