
RS7000 335
12. Glossary
In musical terms a cent is 1/100
of a semitone.
See MIDI Channel, page 337.
Channel Aftertouch
Aftertouch refers to the capability to control some
aspect of the sound by varying pressure on the key-
board after notes are played. Two types of aftertouch
data are used: polyphonic and channel. Channel after-
touch is aftertouch data in which only one aftertouch
value is transmitted for each MIDI channel. In contrast,
polyphonic aftertouch produces separate aftertouch
values for each note played.
A value used to verify the integrity of multiple blocks of
received MIDI data (system exclusive data). The check-
sum is transmitted at the end of the data.
A unit of note resolution. On the RS7000 one clock
equals 1/480
of a quarter note.
Common Sample Voice
Sample voices which are available for use by all songs
and styles. Regardless of the number of songs and
styles, a maximum of 128 common sample voices can
be stored in the RS7000 internal memory. The content
and program number/voice relationship of common
sample voices does not change when songs or styles
are switched.
Control Change
A type of MIDI messages that is transmitted when a
controller (modulation wheel, foot controller etc.) is
operated. Each controller has its own control number.
Cutoff Frequency
Filters work by allowing portions of the signal lower or
higher than a given frequency to pass, and cutting the
remainder of the signal. This frequency is referred to as
the cutoff frequency.
Data Entry
A type of MIDI control change data (control change
number 6) generally used to set RPN-specied parame-
An effect (or device) that delays an audio signal. The
RS7000s variation effects include delay effects.
The amount or degree to which an effect changes the
original sound.
Device Number
A special MIDI channel used for system exclusive mes-
sages. Device numbers 1 through 16 are available, and
system exclusive data communication becomes possi-
ble when both the transmitting and receiving devices
are set to the same number.
Digital Filter
A lter that works in the digital rather than analog
domain. The RS7000 provides digital lters for each
voice element, allowing a wide range of tonal control.
Coaxial connectors for input and output of digital audio
Drum Voice
A special type of voice used only for drum or percussion
instruments. Each key on the keyboard plays a different
drum or percussion instrument.
Dry Sound
The audio signal that is not processed by an effect. Nor-
mally when using an effect, not all of the audio signal is
passed through the effect. Rather, the degree of the
effect is adjusted by mixing the sound that passes
through the effect (the wet sound) with the sound that
bypasses the effect (the dry sound).
Stands for Digital Signal Processor. Digital signal pro-
cessors digitally process signals to produce a wide
range of effects. The RS7000 includes high-quality DSP
capability for the reverb, chorus, and other effects.