
Roam 79
Roam ringer 80
Run for money 89
Schedule 76
Scheduler 67
Scroll Timer 109
Security 115
Security - Dialing in lock mode 116
Security - Emergency 117
Security - Lock code 117
Security - Lock mode 115
Security - Locking the phone 116
Security - Resetting your phone 120
Security - Restrict 116
Security - Unlocking the phone 116
Security key 62
Send key 17
Send PIN 119
Send/Talk mode 28
Sending a fax or data file 97
Sending messages 104
Set 98
Set NAM 93
Set network 98
Set system 94
Set Time 83
Setting speed dial 58
Software/Hardware Version 84
Speed dial 31
Standard, and Extended-life batteries 124
Standby mode 28
Storing numbers 118
Storing pauses in a phone book 52
Storing phone numbers at the end of a call 59