Reviewing stored voicemail and text
messages in standby mode
1. In standby mode, press , to display the Mail Kit menu. The
number of received or sent messages displays next to the associated
message type in the menu.
2. Press for
Voice. The date and time for the last voice mail
message received is displayed, together with a notification of the number
of new voice mail messages.
•You can press twice to call your mail box directly to review
voice mails.
•You can press for
Inbox. A list of messages displays.
• next to an entry number indicates an urgent message.
• next to an entry number indicates that the message has already
been read.
3. Use the
toggle arrows to highlight the message you wish to
review, press to open it.
•While reviewing the message, you can press the toggle
arrow to locate the message information such as
date and time,
sender’s call back number, senders number, E-Mail
, and message. However, if you wait a few seconds the
phone will automatically scroll through the display.
•To review other messages. Using the
toggle press the
appropriate arrow to the right to review the next message, or to the
left to review the previous message.
4. Pressing returns you to the previous screen.
Note: When reviewing a message, you can press for further options. For further
information see “Message options” on page 114.
Note: When in standby mode, press and hold down
to automatically dial voice