Receiving a message in standby mode
When your phone receives incoming messages in standby mode, the ringer
sounds, (unless it is turned off), and the screen displays: “New Voicemail”,
“New Text”, “New Page” or “New BrowserMsg”. The message icon is
displayed, and remains on display until you listen to, or read, the new message.
Receiving a message while on a call
When you receive message when you are on a call, the New Messages screen
displays two options: “
Ignore” and“ Text”. The “closed envelope” icon
is displayed.
You can easily review the new message while on the call by just pressing
. Your call will not be disconnected, and you can ask the other party to
wait while you review the message. If you wish to ignore the message, just
select that option and continue with your call.
Reviewing voice mails and text
When a message arrives, you can recall the sender’s call back number if it is
available, by pressing . If you only wish to review the message, press
. The
Inbox Msg list provides options for reviewing the sender’s name,
number, date and time information, and the message.