About Phonebook Entries
To store a number or Private ID from Memo:
To store to a new entry,pressA under SELECT. The entry details
screen displays with the Private ID icon entered in the Type field, the
Private ID number entered in the # field, and the Name field
highlighted. With the Name field highlighted, press A under
CHANGE. Enter the name using the alphanumeric keypad. Press A
under OK.
To store to an existing entry,pressR to scroll the list of names in
your Phonebook. Once the desired entry is highlighted, press A under
SELECT. The entry details screen displays with the Private ID icon
enteredintheType field, the Private ID number entered in the # field,
and the Name field highlighted.
Press A under DONE.
Go to the Memo screen. If the number or Private ID you want to store
in your Phonebook is not already stored on your Memo screen, enter it
Press m.WithStore to PHBK highlighted, press A under SELECT.
This displays the Store To screen with [New Entry] highlighted. Press
A under SELECT.
To create a valid Phonebook entry, you must assign a type. Press R to
scroll to the Type field.
Press B under CHANGE.Press S to scroll to the typeof numberyou
want to assign to the Phonebook entry. Press B under SELECT.
If you want to add more information to the Phonebook entry, follow the
applicable instructions in “Adding Phonebook Entries” on page 46.
Press B under DONE.