Nextel Terms and Conditions of Service
21.NEXTEL ONLINE "GOLD" SERVICES - Nextel Online "Gold" Services are those
Internet and data Services offered in conjunction with a Service plan using the suffix
"Gold";e.g. PacketStream Gold or PowerApps Gold.Company may charge an activation
fee for each IP address for these Services. These services may be used only with mobile
clients for Internet/intranet access and Internet e-mail via a standard HTML browser or
proprietary client software for Public Wireless Web Service Providers and related mail
clients. It may also be used with software for proxy applications, for dispatch applications,
for POP3 email access, and for other use specifically approvedby Nextel. These Internet
anddata Servicesmay notbe substitutedfora privateline orframe relay connection,or be
used for streamingdata feeds. Company reserves the rightto deny service,without notice,
to any Customer whose usage adversely impacts Company’s network, Systems or other
subscribers’ use of Services.