Direct Connect
Nextel Direct Connect
Nextel Direct Connect is a long-range, digital walkie-talkie feature that allows
you to communicate with your co-workers and clients for a fraction of the cost
of traditional cellular calls.
With Nextel Direct Connect, you can use the Private Call feature to contact an
individual. You can use the Group Call feature to contact a group of people
designated as a Talkgroup.
NOTE:Nextel Direct Connect
is only available in your home calling
This section includes everything you will need to know to take advantage of
Nextel Direct Connect (long-range, digital walkie-talkie) service:
Private Call
There are several ways to reach an individual using Nextel Direct Connect:
• Enter the person’s Private ID from the keypad.
• Select the person’s Private ID from your Phonebook.
• Select the person’s Private ID from your Recent Calls list.
• CallaPrivateID,ifitisyourmostrecentcall.
NOTE: The Recent Calls list displays briefly after each Private or
Group Call.
Whether you dial the person’s Private ID directly or use a number stored in your
Phonebookor Recent Calls list, you musthave the individual’s Private ID to use
Nextel Direct Connect. To learn how to store names and numbers, see
“Phonebook” on page 41.
NOTE:When dialing or storing a Private ID, the asterisks must be
entered as part of the Private ID in order to make a Nextel Direct
Connect Private Call.
Private Call Page 103
Call Alerts Page 106
Group Call Page 110