RF Operational Characteristics
Phone Operation
When placing or receiving a phone call, hold your radio product as you would a
wireline telephone. Speak directly into the microphone.
Two-way radio operation
When using your radio product as a traditional two-way
radio, hold the radio product in a vertical position with
from the lips.
Body-worn operation
To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines, if you wear a radio
product on your body when transmitting, always place the radio product in a
Motorola approved clip, holder, holster, case or body harness for this
product. Use of non-Motorola-approved accessories may exceed FCC RF
exposure guidelines. If you do not use a Motorola approved body-worn
accessory and are not using the radio product in the intended use positions
along side the head in the phone mode or in front of the face in the two-way
radio mode, then ensure the antenna and the radio product are kept the
following minimum distances from the body when transmitting:
• Phone or Two-way radio mode: one inch (2.5 cm)
• Data operation using any data feature with or without an accessory
cable: one inch (2.5 cm)
Antenna Care
Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized
antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the radio product and
may violate FCC regulations.
DO NOT hold theantennawhen the radio productis “IN USE”. Holding the
antenna affects call quality and may cause the radio product to operate at a
higher power level than needed.