Adding Phonebook Entries
Using the following instructions, you will enter the information in the order the
items appear on the Phonebook entry details screen. However,you can enter this
informationinanyorderbypressingS to scroll through the items on the entry
details screen.
You can leave items blank or unchanged by pressing S to scroll past it on the
entry details screen.
NOTE:Number and type are required for a valid Phonebook entry.
To cancel a Phonebook entry at any time, press e to return to the idle screen.
To add a Phonebook entry:
To access the entry details screen:
From the Phonebook screen, with [New
Entry] highlighted, press B under
From the Phonebook screen, press m.
Then press R to scroll to New and press
B under SELECT.
If you want to assign a name to your
Phonebook entry:
With the Name field highlighted, press
B under CHANGE.
From the Namescreen, enter the name
using the alphanumeric keypad.
See “Using T9® Text Input” on page 26
for information about entering text into
this field.
When you are finished, press B under OK.
The entry details screen returns with the Type field highlighted.