Viewing Phonebook Entries
Names with more than one number assigned to them appear with ef
surrounding the icon to the right of the name. For example, if you had stored a
home and work number for Joe Smith, the entry for Joe Smith’s home phone
number would look like this:
Joe Smith eLf
Whenthenameishighlighted,pressT to scroll to the icons representing each
of the numbers assigned to that name.
To view any of the numbers assigned to a name:
Sorting Phonebook Entries
You can sort your Phonebook entries by:
• Name — thenameyouenteredfortheentry
• Speed # — the Speed Dial location of the entry
NOTE:Private IDs and Talkgroup numbers cannot be accessed from
the Phonebook when sorted by Speed Dial location.
From the Phonebook screen, press S to scroll to the name associated
with the number you want to see.
Press T to view the icons representing the numbers assigned to that
name. I
When the icon representing the number you want to view is displayed,
press B under VIEW.
If there is a Private ID or a Talkgroup number stored for the entry, press
m.ThenpressR to scroll to View and press B under SELECT.
Press S to view the other numbers stored for this name.