Status of Your i58sr Phone
Status of Your i58sr Phone
Your i58sr phone has a status light that displays around the p button. The
status light indicates the status of your connection.
My Information
You can select My Info from the main menu to display or edit the following:
• Name — Enteryournameinthisfield.
• Private ID — Your Private ID is displayed in this field. Your Private ID is
your Nextel Direct Connect number and is composed of three parts: Area
ID*Network ID*Member ID. For example: 999*999*9999.
NOTE:The asterisks are part of the Private ID.
• Phone Numbers of Lines 1 and 2 — Your phone’s numbers are displayed
in these fields. Your phone number is automatically entered when you
receive your first phone call.
• Carrier IP — This field displays your phone’s carrier assigned IP address.
• IP Addresses — These fields display the IP addresses you use to access
the Internet with your phone.
Status Light
i58sr Phone Status
Solid Red Signing on to the network. Please wait.
Flashing Red No service or out of coverage area.
If you are in a coverage area, keep your phone
on and it will attempt to connect to the network
every two minutes. If the phone does not
connect after 15 minutes, contact Nextel
Customer Care.
NOTE:Nextel Direct Connect is only
available in your home calling area.
Solid Green In use.