Using T9® Text Input
T9 Text Input Entry Modes
Four text entry modes are available in T9 Text Input: Alpha, Word, Symbols,
and Numeric. When you are using T9 Text Input, an icon in the top right corner
of your phone’s display screen (next to the battery strength indicator icon)
indicates the T9 Text Input entry mode you are using:
NOTE:T9 icons do not display while you are using Nextel Online
Choosing a Text Entry Mode on Nextel Online
When you are using Nextel Online services, T9 Text Input becomes available
whenever you access a screen that requires you to enter text. The right display
option on your phone’s screen indicates your current T9 Text Input text entry
• ALPHA and alpha for Alpha mode
• WORD orword for Word mode
• SYM1, SYM2, SYM3,orSYM4 for Symbols mode
• NUM for Numeric mode
To change text entry modes, press the right B until the desired mode displays.
NOTE:The remaining T9 Text Input instructions do not apply to Nextel
Online. Refer to the Nextel Online User’s Guide available on
nextel.com for instructions on using T9 Text Input with Nextel
Online services.
Icon T9 Entry Mode
Used For...
w Alpha Standard multi-tap keypad
text entry.
# Word Entering words and
punctuation with one key-
press per character.
! Symbols Entering punctuation and
symbols such as “@” or “?”.
, Numeric Entering keypad numbers.