3-14 Data Entry
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
Data Entry
Note: The MX2 will not run Microsoft Windows products i.e.
Windows 3.1, Windows For Workgroups, Windows 95,
Windows NT, etcetera.
The LXE MX2 computer accepts data entry from the keyboard, barcode
scanner and the Infrared input port when an LXE Terminal Emulation
(TE) program is running and on batch (non-TE) units.
Keyboard Data Entry
Once the terminal emulation program is started, data can be entered with
the MX2 keypad. Keyed data can be entered into a data field and
transmitted to the host. You might respond to a prompt sent by the host
application with a keypad entry, such as a menu listing choices for your
next action.
Barcode Data Entry
The MX2 supports data entry using the barcode scanner at the top of the
unit. Keyboard data entries can be mixed with barcode data entries.
Infrared Port Data Entry
The MX2 accepts input from the IR port. The MX2 processes data from
the IR port the same way it processes keyed data. The data is entered at
the cursor position, and the data is subject to all of the barcode/RS-232
input menu parameters, such as truncate.