2-24 Radio PC Card Configuration
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
ODI Datalight Sockets
Copy the ODI Datalight driver files from the installation disk to the
pctcp subdirectory on the MX2.
Add the following line to the autoexec.bat file on the root directory:
For MX2's with Lucent (LXE's System 6500) radios:
REM -----------------------------------------
REM Load the Link Support Layer and the
Lucent WaveLAN ODI driver.
REM -----------------------------------------
c:\pctcp\odipkt.com 0x69
c:\pctcp\socketp.exe c:\pctcp\socket.cfg
For MX2's with Proxim (LXE's System 6500) radios:
REM -----------------------------------------
REM Load the Link Support Layer and the
Proxim ODI driver.
REM -----------------------------------------
c:\pctcp\odipkt.com 0x69
c:\pctcp\socketp .exe c:\pctcp\socket.cfg
Note the following procedure for specifying the subnet mask in the
socket.cfg file:
The net mask is specified as part of the ip address in the socket.cfg file.
In the ip address command an optional /net_bits can be used to indicate
the number of bits in the network ID. The net mask is used to determine
whether an incoming datagram is a broadcast and also for sending UDP
Net masks are more easily represented in binary or hexadecimal format.
For example, the IP address corresponds to a net mask of (FFFFFF00h), 25 bits to (FFFFFF80h)
and 26 bits to (FFF FFC0h).