3-8 Disk Drives and Files
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
Drive C
Drive C is a resident flash disk drive that is accessed via the
FLASHDSK.SYS device driver. By default, this drive is configured to
have full read and write access. The default CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files reside here. You can modify these files to
customize the system for an application. They will be called after the
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files on drives A and B are
The Configuration Utility gives you the ability to customize what
software tools and utilities are placed on the unit. By default, the utility
installs this software to the C drive. If the unit is intended to be used
with PC cards, then the Phoenix PC card drivers are installed in the
PCM subdirectory on the C drive, and the proper entries will be
transferred into the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. The
exact configuration of files and the contents of the CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files will change according to the configuration of
the unit.
For RF capability, additional files for network connectivity would be
required. These might include a TELNET program or peer-to-peer
networking tools, depending on what you choose to install.
If something happens to a unit and data integrity becomes questionable,
use the CHKDSK utility to detect and correct errors on drive C. You can
also use ORGANIZE.COM (on Drive C in the MX2) to recover unused
See Chapter 6 “Commands” for DOS and ROM-DOS command syntax.
Root Directory Files
AUTOEXEC.BAT Called after the AUTOEXEC.BAT files on
drives A and B are processed.
CONFIG.SYS Called after the CONFIG.SYS files on drives
A and B are processed.
DOS Directory Files
ATTRIB.COM Displays or modifies file attributes.
CHKDSK.COM Examines a disk and determines if the disk
has any errors in the File Allocation Table