3-12 System Configurations
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
REM --------------------------------------
REM The following lines set up
REM default parameters for some
REM environment variables. These lines
REM may be modified or overridden in
REM the USER section below.
REM --------------------------------------
set prompt=$p$g
set dircmd=/ogn /p
REM --------------------------------------
REM The following section is for
REM customized user entries.
REM Insert user-specific options and
REM commands here.
REM --------------------------------------
REM --------------------------------------
REM The following lines add system
REM components to the PATH
REM and run the main application
REM executable, if one was specified.
REM --------------------------------------
IF EXIST c:\bparams.ini copy c:\bparams.ini PARAMS
set path=c:\;c:\dos;%path%
Figure 3-8 AUTOEXEC.BAT File on Drive C for Default Configuration