The Custom Configuration Menu 4-25
MX2A137REFGD Revision A MX2 Reference Guide
The Program Settings Windows
When you select Program Settings from the Custom Configuration
Menu, the first of five Program Settings windows appears. Use these
windows to view or change settings for barcode symbologies and other
programmable options.
The Program Settings Windows (1 through 5) may or may not have:
On/Off Switches The smallest white boxes are on/off switches.
Click in the box to toggle a switch. When a
checkmark appears in the box, the switch is
Input Fields Input fields do not usually have a drop down
arrow to the right. Place the cursor in the input
field to enter specific settings for parameters in
the larger white boxes. (See appendix B for a
table of parameters and settings.)
Drop-Down Lists Click on the drop down arrow to the right of the
list to view the options, and click on the option
you want to select. This field cannot be edited.
Radio Buttons Radio buttons allow you to select one value for
a parameters. Select the setting you want by
clicking on it. The parameter value is selected
when the radio button is filled in.
Program Settings File
This field shows the program-settings file that will be loaded into the
After selecting options in this window, select Save to save the revisions
in the current program-settings file or in a new one.
Select Browse to use a different program-settings file. An Open dialog
box will appear. Use the dialog box to choose a program-settings file
from the Progsets folder. (If you select Browse after making changes in
this or any other File Configuration window without saving the changes,