ROM-DOS Commands 6-25
MX2A137REFGD Revision A MX2 Reference Guide
The PRINT utility prints a single file or a list of files.
PRINT [/d:] [filename] [/options]
PRINT allows you to enter between 1 and 32 files for spooling to the
printer. The files are output to the device in a spooled manner (while the
user performs other operations).
If PRINT is entered without any parameters, then it displays all the files
that are in the queue.
The first time PRINT is used the operator is prompted for the device to
perform the operation. The following message is used to prompt the
operator for the device.
Name of list device [PRN]:
The legal devices for printing are LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, COM1,
COM2, COM3, COM4, AUX, or PRN.
The /B option allows the user to set the buffer size. The default buffer
size is 512 bytes. A larger buffer size causes print to operate faster. The
maximum buffer size is 32k bytes and the minimum size 256 bytes. This
option is only allowed the first time PRINT is run.
The /C option cancels only the file names listed after the /C command.
The /F option allows the user to set the maximum number of files to be
queued up at one time. The default number of files is 10. The minimum
is 2 and the maximum is 32. Support for more files is often useful when
using wild cards in file names. This option is only allowed the first time
PRINT is run (or until the next system reboot).
The /P option causes all files listed after this option to be submitted for
printing. This is the default for filenames encountered on the PRINT
command line.