Syntax and Parameters 5-19
MX2A137REFGD Revision A MX2 Reference Guide
4096, etc.). Values above 1024 that are not multiples of 1024 are
rounded up to the nearest multiple of 1024.
If you do not include the W option on the command line, streaming is
used. If you use the option without specifying a setting, W0 (streaming)
is used by default. This is useful in the case where a window size is
specified in the XFER_ARGS environment variable but you wish to use
streaming for the current transfer session.
Note: Always place the W option after the Z option, or a parsing
error will occur. See the information about the Z option for
more details.
Xmodem Transfer
The X option instructs XFER to transfer all files in that session using
Xmodem protocol. Because this is the default file-transfer protocol, it
does not normally need to be specified.
Zmodem Transfer
The Z option instructs XFER to transfer all files in that session using
Zmodem protocol. The Z option should come before all other options
that are valid for Zmodem only (such as the C option). This is required
because Xmodem is the default protocol for XFER, and option parsing
will fail if an illegal setting is specified under Xmodem.
In addition, specifying the Z option resets the Zmodem window size for
that session, making it necessary for the Z option to come before any use
of the W option.
Note: The last protocol option in the command line specifies the
protocol that will be used for the file transfer; that is, Xmodem
would be used for the transfer ordered by XFER /Z /X myfile,
and Zmodem would be used for the transfer ordered by XFER
/X /Z myfile.