3-2 Disk Drives and Files
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
Disk Drives and Files
The MX2 has the following drive structure:
Drive A is a read-only flash drive. The contents of this drive cannot be
Drive B is a read-only flash drive that you can update by using the core-
update program, COREXFER.EXE, (loaded on the PC by the
Configuration Utility) from a host machine. (Normal operation will not
require updating of this drive.)
Drive C is a resident flash disk drive that is accessed with the
FLASHDSK.SYS device driver. You can use this drive to store
applications and data.
Drive D is a RAM disk accessed with the VDISK.SYS device driver.
This drive can be used to store applications as well as data. However,
you should take great care in selecting files for this drive. As with any
RAM drive, its contents will be lost if power is removed.
Additional drives are mapped to ATA flash PC cards or to network
drives via radio frequency (RF).
This organization provides an easy-to-use, extensible system that allows
a high degree of performance, usability, and customization. The
following sections more fully describe the contents and intended uses of
each of the MX2’s drives.