ROM-DOS Commands 6-13
2325A137REFGD Revision B 2325 Reference Guide
The CHKDSK command checks the disk directories and File Allocation
Table (FAT) and displays a disk and memory report.
CHKDSK [d:][path][filespec][/C] [/F] [/V]
CHKDSK examines a disk and determines if the disk has any errors in
the File Allocation Table (FAT) and will optionally fix errors.
The /F option causes CHKDSK to fix errors on the disk if any were
found. The errors that can be found are directory or FAT errors. If the /F
is not specified then CHKDSK acts as if it will fix the disk, but the
corrections will not be written out to the disk.
If errors are detected, you will be prompted with a message similar to the
15 lost allocation units found in 5 chains.
Convert lost chains to files?
If you answer Y for Yes, each lost chain will be written to a file in the
root directory of the current default drive. Each file will have the name
filennnn.chk. nnnn will be a sequential number. The first chain will be in
FILE000.CHK. These files can be verified to see if they contain valuable
information, and then deleted if desired. Answering N for No to the
above prompt, CHKDSK will still make the corrections however the lost
chains will not be saved to the disk.
The /C option allows CHKDSK to correct errors without user
confirmation. This option must be used along with the /F option for
corrections to be made.
The /V option causes CHKDSK to display each path and file as it is
If a file specification is specified, then CHKDSK displays all files
matching the specification that have noncontiguous data areas on the
disk. Files that are stored in noncontiguous areas, especially .exe files,