
2325A137REFGD Revision B 2325 Reference Guide
Chapter 5
Using XFER
XFER (XFER.EXE) is a DOS utility that directs the serial transfer of
ASCII and binary data between two computers. This chapter provides
information for advanced users and system administrators who want to
use XFER to transfer files between a 2325 and a PC.
For basic information about XFER and the Xmodem parameter defaults,
see Chapter 2 “Using Advanced Features”, section titled “Transferring
About XFER
XFER supports Xmodem and Zmodem transfers at speeds up to 115200
baud. Modem support is provided via an initialization file that specifies
option settings for the modem. Option settings can be specified on the
command line or with an environment variable called XFER_ARGS.
XFER supports RTS/CTS handshaking for Xmodem protocol and both
XON/ XOFF and RTS/CTS handshaking for Zmodem protocol.