Dump History
November 2009 94
Invoking Dump History
You can invoke Dump History from within an application or directly
from the command line.
From within an application, one of:
The C system function
BfvHistoryDumpModChan (args)
See Volume 1 of the Bfv API Reference Manual for detailed
information on how to use the BfvHistoryDump... functions.
As a stand-alone utility, as follows:
dh [-C] [-f] [-r [-b]] [-R file offset] [-P pktver] [-H hdr_dir] module channel
-C Clear the history buffer, do not print
-f Display history output continuously until
the program is terminated by the user.
This option works best only on lightly
loaded systems. For best speed, use the
options -r -b, then later interpret the
output using -R.
-r Do a raw dump of the uninterpreted
history data in ASCII form.
-b Do dump as binary, for use with -r.
-R file offset Indicates that history interpretation is to
be done using a previously obtained binary
history file. (Such files are obtained from
system crash dumps or by processing the
output of dh -r -b). A filename and starting
offset in hex must be specified. When -R is
used, the module and channel numbers are
not required on the command line.
-P For use with -R. Forces the packet version
to the specified value (0 or 1).
-H hdr_dir Read from the directory hdr_dir to create
name tables. Used if modifications were
made to commands or additional command
header files are available after compilation
and distribution of the program.
module 1 channel 1 Main driver history.