November 2009 435
firmware 31
miscellaneous 35
Making registry entries 384
Maximum transmit window (K) 333
Media processing
Bfv functions 26
types of applications 38
Merge modules
About the feature 376
Defining file locations 384
Dependent 386
Feature content 376
Independent 386
Installing 385
Integrating 385–389
Merging examples 387–389
msm files 376–384
Registry entry 384
header 105
recording and playing 152
MF tone
detection 38
generation 38
Mid-level fax functions 41
Miscellaneous functions 35
Miscellaneous macros 35
mkdcx program 152
mkinfopk program 47, 153
mkprompt program
using 60, 155
mktiff program 155
MMR format
receiving and storing in 78
sending in 81
modinfo program
debugging tool 100
using 156
Module, definition 427
board condition 127
call transfers 190
MR format, receiving and storing in 79
msm files 376–384
N200 333
N201 333
N202 333
Noninfopkt-formatted fax
receiving and storing in MR format 79
sending in MMR format 81
Noninfopkt-formatted raw G3 Files
functions to receive faxes 73
functions to send faxes 70
channels 30
definition 427
Ordinal channel number
definition 427
numbering system 30
outgoing call
timing diagram for E&M Wink Start/Delay Dial
timing diagram for E+M Fixed Pause 288
p print utility 419
Packaging software
Add/Remove Programs 404
brktBdevpp.dll 399
Brooktrout Software System Files 369
Brooktrout System Software components 365
btcall.cfg 401
callctrl.cfg file 402
Changing driver settings 391
Checking for Brooktrout software 369
Configuration files 400
Custom provider registration 398
Device class 396
Device Property Page 398
did_digits parameter 401
did_variable parameter 401
digital parameter 401
Found New Hardware Page 397
Inf file 395