November 2009 438
Installation package 364
infopkt parameters 51
recording and playing 139, 167, 169, 170
recording and playing wave files 170
Status information, fax 89
Storing information about a channel 28
Streams, definition 428
Structures 34
Supershow (ss) display and edit utility 415
Switched 56 calls, guard timing 325
Syntax, defining boston.msi properties 368
Packaging requirements 365
Packaging software files 369
Packaging Software Installation Options 376
T.38 Protocol
Receiving faxes 238
Sending faxes 238
delay dial signaling 278
immediate start signaling 286
robbed bit 23
robbed bit call control 36
wink start signaling 278, 280
T1 ISDN PRI, making a two B-channel transfer 182
call control 36
library 23
T1/E1 span, definition 428
Tag infopkts 44
configuration file 32
configuration, resetting state 158
R2 signaling 23
T1 robbed bit 23
T1/E1 ISDN 23
parameters, saving to NVRAM 159
telreset program 158
telsave program 159
Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) 103, 104
Terminating the full duplex connection, avoiding
noise in two-channel call transfers
Terminating the two-channel call transfer 199
Test, hardware and software 49
tfax program 160
tiffdump program 160
TIFF-F files
accessing from applications 87
combining data on single pages 84
creating 155
displaying the contents 160
function to receive faxes 76
function to send faxes 75
sending within infopkt streams 84
writing G3 pages 166
Time slot, definition 428
robbed-bit signaling timers 268
T200 332
T201 332
T202 332
T203 332
T302 333
T305 333
T308 333
T313 333
T316 333
T318 334
T319 334
T321 334
T3m1 334
Timers, robbed bit signaling 268
Tone detection 38
tones program 161
Touchtones, detecting and displaying 161
Trace string components 104
Level 2 101
Transfer mode 90
transfer program 161
transferll program 163
trombone program 165
Tromboning, see Two-channel call transfers
tstrip program 166
Two B-channel transfer 182
Two-channel call transfers
ASR applications 190
BfvCallSWClearConns 192