Compiling Sample Applications Using Microsoft® Developer Studio Project Files
November 2009 173
Using Brooktrout Files
Dialogic has created a Microsoft Visual Studio® Workspace/Solution
dsp file and vcproj file for each Brooktrout SDK sample in the
boston\bfv.api\winnt\app.src directory in the Brooktrout SDK
InstallShield package. You can see all the samples from a single
workspace/solution by opening these files from the compiler
Table 6. File Naming Conventions
The individual project files have Win32 Debug and Win32 Release
options included, both options link to the dynamic version of the “C”
runtime library (msvcrtd.lib and msvcrt.lib for Visual Studio® 6.0
and msvcr71.lib and msvcr71.lib for .NET respectively) and to the
dynamic version of the Bfv library (bostdlld.dll).
The workspace/solution is constructed so that each of the individual
project settings provide the include and library paths rather than
being stored in the global setting for Visual Studio® itself.
To create an exe file using Developer Studio® Project files, follow the
instructions sent with your Windows® software product.
Note: Files for Visual Studio® 2005 and Visual Studio® 2008 are
appended to include “2005” and “2008” respectively. For
example, bftdump_2005.vcproj and bftdump_2008.vcproj
Type of File File Name Compiler Version
workspace/solution bfv_samples.dsw 6.0
.NET 2003 and later
dsp files samplename.dsp 6.0
vcproj files samplename.vcproj .NET 2003 and later