Print Utility (p)
November 2009 420
The Print Utility displays help information when no arguments are
Note: The Print utility automatically scales the image to maintain
the correct size and aspect ratio for each supported printer
type and resolution. If the Print utility encounters a 128-byte
header at the beginning of the input file, it uses the actual
resolution of the fax for scaling; otherwise, it uses normal
resolution for scaling.
Note: When using widths larger than the standard A4, you do not
need to include the -w argument. However, because these
larger widths exceed printers’ standard width, the Print utility
truncates the image horizontally to fit the standard width. If
you do include the -w argument, the Print utility reduces the
size of the image to fit the standard width.
For example:
p -phsd -xs10 -ys10 -idemo.301
prints a file, demo.301, on an Epson/IBM compatible printer in high
speed, double density mode scaling the image in both the x and y
directions to one-half size.
-yYOFF (y offset) Selects a Y direction offset in tenths of inches.
Only the portion of the image below this position is
-xsXSCALE (x scale factor) Selects an X direction scale factor in 5%
increments. The image is scaled to this factor of its
original size in the X direction.
-ysYSCALE (y scale factor) Selects a Y direction scale factor in 5%
increments. The image is scaled to this factor of its
original size in the Y direction.
-ifiles (input filename) Specifies the Group 3 files to print. The
filename and pages to print are specified: filename (first
page, last page).
-ooutfile (output filename) Directs output to the specified file
rather than the printer.
-paper (paper type) Specifies the paper size to use.
-w[width] Scales horizontally and vertically to fit an image of the
specified width: 0 = A4, 1 = B4, 2 = A3. If no width is
specified, this utility uses the width from the 128-byte
Brooktrout header.
A4 Specifies an A4 feeder and A4 size paper.
LET 8.5" x 11" standard size paper.