November 2009 432
dfax program 136
Diagnostic utilities, tracing messages 101
restrictions 137
ISDN overlapped 323
Dialing database functions 137
dial pulse 269, 270
timers 268
DISCONNECT Q.931 message 323, 325
Disconnecting resources
Two-channel call transfers 200
Distributing software
Installation package 364
dlfax program 136
ASCII fonts 150
feature set data 146
firmware 148, 149
driver recompiling for different Linux versions 422
dstrip program 138
DTMF tones
detecting and displaying 161
detection and generation 38
Dump history
interpreting the output 96
parsed commands in output 98
utility 95
utility program 93
eccllvoice program 139
Echo cancellation
Configuring for two-channel call transfer 195
Two-channel call transfers 194
Epson to fax (epstog3) conversion utility 413
dialing long numbers 323
I Frame header 104
Information Elements 107
merging modules 387–389
Message header 105
Explicit call transfer (ECT) 188
definition 426
Fax 23
application for sending 131
display and edit utility (ss) 415
functions 40
infopkt parameters 52
remote node parameters 89
channel to channel 62
from external fax 63
sending and receiving 141, 152
status information 89
Fax over IP 214–255
Call Control 216
Call Progress Values 225
debug_control mode 243
INVITE message sample 248
Receiving faxes 241
Sample INVITE Request 222
Sending faxes 241
Troubleshooting 243
fax program 62, 140
faxhl program 141
faxll program 142
faxml program 144
faxp program 145
faxpml program 145
Feature Group B 281
Feature Group D 281
Feature program 146
Feature set data 146
File format manipulation functions 42
configuration 32
locations 373, 384
firm program 148
firmload script 149
Configuring for packaging software 403
downloading 148, 149
functions and macros 31
Fixed pause signaling 288
font program 150
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) 104