November 2009 161
The tones program uses DTMF detection routines to detect and
display incoming touchtones and DTMF generation and single
frequency tone generation routines to produce touchtones and other
Turn on the Bfv API debug program from the command line. The
btcall.cfg file is the configuration file. The tones program is found in
the app.src directory.
Command Syntax
tones [options]
Requires one -p or -g argument.
The transfer program waits and accepts an incoming call from one
caller (caller A). It then calls BfvLineTransfer() to transfer the call
to another caller (caller C). During the transfer or while the transfer
is occurring, the program can run in one of two modes, supervised
and unsupervised. In supervised mode, the program does not
complete the transfer until it receives a response from caller C. If the
response is 1 (ACCEPT), transfer completes the transfer. If the
response is 2 (REJECT), transfer cancels the call transfer. In
unsupervised mode, transfer completes the call transfer right away.
The btcall.cfg file is the user configuration file and the file
call_ctrl.cfg is the call control configuration file. The transfer
program is found in the app.src directory.
-c <num> Call given number, else wait for ring.
-g Get tones and display them.
-p Play tones (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,*,#,A,B,C,D).
-u <unitnum> Channel number.
-v Turn on Bfv API debug mode.