November 2009 150
The firmload program ensures that the required firmware files exist
in the specified directory before beginning a download. There are
multiple possibilities for some of the firmware filenames. These are
listed in the following list in search order. firmload looks for the
firmload Brooktrout/boston/fw
The font program downloads ASCII fonts for fax transmission and
reports on font download status.
Turn on the Bfv API debug program from the command line. The
btcall.cfg file is the user configuration file. The font program is found
in the bapp.src directory.
Command Syntax
font [-m <mod>] [-q] [-d] [-v]
One of -q or -d is required. When -d is specified, fonts are
downloaded as specified in the user configuration file, btcall.cfg. Up
to seven user fonts (0 - 6) and a default font (255) are downloaded.
Firmware Type Filename
PROC_APP cp.bin
DSP_APP dsp1000.hex, dsp1000_ld.hex, dsp1000_v34.hex
-m <mod> Use specified module (default 2).
-q Report download status of fonts.
-d Download fonts as specified in btcall.cfg.
-v Turn on Bfv API debug mode.