AT Commands
Modem 3600 5-33
Disable AT Command Set *NT
The *NT command disables the AT command set.
The *NT1 command allows the user at a remote modem to enable AT
command operation of another modem via remote configuration.
If the AT command set of a local modem is accidentally disabled and
must be recovered locally, reset the options through the front panel
LCD, Main Menu #5, submenu
MAND SET” section on page 4-8.
Dial Line Transmit Level *TDn
Private Line Operation
For a 2- or 4-wire leased line connection to succeed, one
modem must be configured as forced answer and the other
modem as normal originate. Both modems should have only
one protocol, MNP or LAPM, enabled and Protocol Fallback
must be disabled. DCE line speed must be the same for both
4-Wire Operation
In 4-wire operation, the modem is a full-duplex, leased-line modem
requiring a dedicated 4-wire leased line. Only point-to-point dedicated
leased lines are supported. The 4-wire leased line connects to the
TELSET/LEASED LINE jack on the modem rear panel. Dialing is not
necessary. When connected via leased line the modems will train and
begin communicating with each other. The DIAL jack can be used to
connect a 2-wire dial-up line for dial backup.
Command Operation
*NT Disable AT command set
*NT1 Enable AT command set at remote site
Command Operation
*TDn Sets dial line TX level to n where n is a number 9
through 30 corresponding to a TX level of -9 to -30