V.25 bis Autodialer
11-8 Modem 3600
Connect Incoming Call CIC
No parameters are required. If there is an incoming call, the modem
immediately answers the call. If no call is incoming, the command is
Same as for the DIC commandI
Redial Last Number CRR n
The CRR n command redials the last number a maximum of n times. If
no parameters are present, the modem redials once. Also, the maximum
number of redials, the amount of time between redials, and other
parameters may vary depending on application and national
requirements if outside the U. S.
Same as for the CRS command.
Failure response is
{sep}r;{call progress messages}...
where r is the recall count (1
n; 1,2...,etc.), followed by a
separator field and call progress messages (CFI XX, etc.). If the call
fails to connect, this is repeated for the specified number of times.
Link Number by Address PRL a;b
This command links the number at address a with the number at address
b. The addresses are one digit decimal values. Linking numbers enables
different numbers to be dialed if a call failure occurs.
Only forward linking to one other number is allowed, so address 1 can
be linked to 4 to 8 to 9 etc.; however (using this example), if address 4 is
dialed by a CRS command without connection it links forward to 8 then
to 9.
If all these fail to connect, the autodialer will not back-link to address 1
unless circular linking is used. Numbers may be linked as 4 to 5 to 3;
however, if address 3 is dialed, back-linking to 5 is not allowed.