AT Commands
5-32 Modem 3600
Online Quick Reference $H
The $H command displays an AT command set quick reference. The
Enter key terminates the page displays and any other key scrolls
through the pages.
Product Serial Number $V
The $V command displays the product serial number.
Talk / Data *DA
The *DA commands select talk or data mode.
V.32 Fast Train *FT
The V.32 fast train option is used to reduce training time when operating
over high quality, limited distance dial, or 2-wire leased lines.
Incoming Call *IC
The *IC command makes the modem disregard an incoming call.
Line Current Disconnect *LC
Dial line operation only. The modem can be configured to disconnect
upon loss or interruption of telephone line current.
Command Operation
$H Displays online quick reference
$H=<string> Search online quick reference for string.
Command Operation
*DA Switches modem to talk
*DA1 Switches modem to data
Command Operation
*FT Disable fast train
*FT1 Enable fast train
Command Operation
*LC Line current disconnect off
*LC1 Line current disconnect short (8 ms)
*LC2 Line current disconnect long (90 ms)