AT Commands
5-4 Modem 3600
Monitor Display
As commands are typed they appear on the monitor so the operator can
verify the input. This is called local character echo. The echo may be
turned on or off using AT commands. Refer to the “Local Character
Echo E” section on page 5-22 for details.
Command Statement Buffer
The modem temporarily stores up to 80 characters in the command
buffer. If this limit is exceeded, the modem does not accept the
command and sends an ERROR message. To correct this condition,
retype the command using 80 characters or less.
The AT characters and punctuation used in telephone numbers do not
take up space in the buffer. Blank characters used as spaces to help
increase readability are not counted. For example, the modem reads the
ATD (212) 554-1212
ATD 212 555 1212
as having 11 characters each. Commands can be typed in any of these
Backspace Key
Use the backspace key to change the command statement or correct
errors. The backspace key allows the cursor to be moved back to the
character(s) in error. The command can then be retyped from that point.
Example: ATD5551211 has been typed. To change the last 1 to 2,
press the backspace key once, type 2, and press Enter to execute the
Repeating a Command A/
This command tells the computer to repeat the last command stored in
its buffer. It automatically reexecutes the command without retyping.
The return key does not need to be pressed.
Example: The ATD5551212 command has been executed, and the
phone is busy. To repeat the instruction type A/. Do not use AT before
this command: AT empties the buffer.